
Sponsors Matter

The Ugandan families love their sponsors so very much. Sponsors help provide for their physical needs and spiritual needs. Part of being sponsored is the attendance of a Bible study each week. Here they are taught the Word of God. Every Thursday the men and women in Bunga-Love project gather together to pray, praise, and…


Thanksgiving, The Power of LOVE in Action

It was the day before I was leaving for my second trip to Uganda. My dear friend, who sponsors a woman in Bunga-Love Project, texted me and asked if she could send a few things to her sponsored family, Teopista and her children. I texted her back and said, “Yes, just make it light. I’ve…


Margret’s Story

What would it be like to be dreadfully sick, taken to the hospital, and left there to die by a man you loved? the father of your children? your sole provider? Imagine the heartache and the despair to know he was the one who had given you a disease that would take your life, a…